Need an affordable work from home (WFH) solution fast?

Right now in April 2020, the world is currently facing an unprecedented situation that is transforming the way we live and work. A nation can do as much planning as possible for situations like these that come around once in a blue moon. Yet, it's almost impossible to predict how the population will react. This time, it's panic buying.

Items are selling out at rapid rates as people prepare for an uncertain future. Everything from toilet paper, pasta, DIY supplies to computer monitors are disappearing. Pictures of empty shop shelves are being shared on social media, fueling the panic.


For a business owner plunged into the world of remote working, this panic is likely caused by uncertainty over having the right equipment to let you and your employees work from home. You may have recently found that this immediate change can be a very costly exercise, especially for large teams and if your staff members need specialised IT equipment.

7 Work From Home (WFH) Essentials

No matter what your day-to-day job involves, there is a bundle of essential IT gear that most office-based workers need to effectively work from home:


    • A laptop. Unfortunately, it's not realistic to lug a big office computer home.

    • A monitor for a second screen to work on.

    • Cables to keep them connected.

    • Keyboard and mouse. Bluetooth is ideal.

    • Essential software and application access.

    • A printer. Not all staff will need one, but for some, it may be important.

The cost of this WFH setup could be upwards of $2,500 per person. If you don't already have most of these essentials for your staff, this is a fortune to pay upfront, particularly if you have a large team.


How to Mitigate Financial Stress

The best way to mitigate this financial stress - particularly when revenues might be tight - is to avoid the upfront cost. Fortunately, there are various options available to help you get around the large upfront cost of a sudden move to work from home.

Option 1

Rental of hardware only for a monthly fee under a managed service agreement.

Option 2

For laptops and computer hardware, there is a per-seat managed monthly plan model, DaaS (Device as a Service). DaaS is a life-cycle service that provides the rental of hardware, consultation, setup, ongoing maintenance and replacement of office technology, all rolled into an affordable, fixed per-person monthly plan.

Important Considerations


    • What are the specific needs for different roles in your business? E.g. payroll software


    • Desk phones. Do your traditional office desk phones need to be able to operate from your employee's home? Do staff need to take these home?

    • Softphones. Could you remove the need for a physical desk phone and use a mobile app that allows you to make and receive calls, just like you're in the office?

    • Diverting calls. Do you need to set up call diversions from office phones?

How We Can Help

We is here to help you with your transition to Work From Home so you are set up for success and to ensure the changes you make have long-term benefits. Right solutions and expertise to help you implement this.

 We have the right services for your specific needs, all packaged within a monthly plan, without the upfront costs. These include:

  • IT Hardware, including laptops and monitors, as a rental, with extra  services included in Device as a Service plans, such as:

    • Service and support
    • Analytics
    • Device optimisation
    • Run ups
    • Security and updates

  • Cloud-based data storage, including file access for your team and your own cloud network
  • Softphones and other business telephony systems
  • Printing/ scanning and Document Management Solutions (DMS), including:

    • Digitising paper forms
    • Scanning solutions


Affordable Long Term Solution

We works with you for the long term. We are also a small-medium enterprise (SME), so we understand the current challenges and needs that many businesses are facing right now. We are a real-life example of how a transition to working from home can happen quickly and seamlessly.

We successfully transitioned to a working from home model almost overnight, enabling our 130+ staff to work remotely with no interruption to service or business workflows. During this shift to working from home, we've even seen an improvement in overall communications and some productivity increases within our teams. We want to help you do the same.