When you manage an enterprise and you require high-end surveillance for your business location, Our Kloud has the line of products you need. If your business is located in a metropolitan area, you require a certain level of heightened security, or you need to monitor your merchandise, a surveillance system is one proven method to protect your assets. Shoplifting, employee thefts, and armed robberies are among the most rampant threats among business entities.
A digital, analogue, or hosted surveillance system is an investment that will instill peace of mind and help manage a variety of threats that can compromise your organisation. When you take proactive measures to ensure the future of your company and your assets, you ensure business continuity for the long term.
Rely on Our Kloud’s cost-effective analogue system for superior surveillance. With our analogue solution, you receive a traditional Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) system in which a security camera is positioned to capture the analogue video signal and then transfer it via coax cable to a DVR. A DVR allows for customised options based on your business needs including an Internet broadcast for selected administrators and efficient IP address streaming.
Our Kloud’s analogue system is generally suitable for sites where many cameras are needed and provides ease for viewing and recording cameras. Rely on Our Kloud’s solution for efficient surveillance in a timeless analogue configuration and help save your company from a security disaster.
Our Kloud’s Internet Protocol (IP) system is designed to use network cameras to capture analogue images and then convert them digitally within the camera. Using IP, this system can manage some of the digital processing before it is streamed and broadcast over a Local Area Network (LAN) with Ethernet cable. The IP system uses a Network Video Recorder (NVR) to capture camera signals and manages compression and recording at a high resolution. NVR IP is another customisable solution with various added features companies can rely on to protect themselves.
Our Kloud’s IP System is generally suitable for sites that have existing high bandwidth, for cameras that will be spread over a wide area (or in the case or wireless cameras). Our Kloud’s LAN-based solution is perfect when you require surveillance over greater distances to protect your assets.
onsider a managed and cloud hosted surveillance system that is configured specifically with your business in mind. No matter how large or small your enterprise, Our Kloud can host your surveillance system to provide you with the security measures you need. Our expert information security engineers carefully monitor activities in real time and respond immediately should an issue arise.
When you wish to have a complete hosted surveillance and monitoring solution, let Our Kloud take on your security challenges with superior service and support while you manage your business at hand.
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A “yes” company, Our Kloud is comprised of professional and technical talent focused on providing responsive, agile support for companies of any size and scale. We stand behind immediate delivery, exceptional response, and superior customer support.
Our Kloud provides innovative technology solutions to growing companies across Australia and New Zealand. No matter how small or large your enterprise, you can count on Our Kloud for every workplace challenge you face.
We serve some of the best companies in the world to supply innovative technology solutions and take them into the next generation.